Summit Online Service
The COVID-19 pandemic forced many organizations to change their game plan and Summit was no different. Our main strategy to serve the Orlando area was through in-person services but now we had to shift to offering an online format. Our team put our minds together and made a sustainable plan that only necessitated 1-2 videographers and two days of recording. The plan was to capture the integral parts of our usual live events but re-imagine them for this new medium. I’m proud of my part in bringing this expression to Summit and its lasting legacy through my work producing, performing, script writing, and coordinating meals and schedules.
Summit Church Podcasts
Periodically, the Communications Team and I see that a topic has a lot more to offer than what’s possible to cover in our live event. For such material we have the “And One More Thing” Podcast.
I’ve coordinated schedules for these recordings, played the producer role, and written scripts as well alongside our talented team of artists, speakers, and videographers that make it all happen.
Below is one example of countless introduction scripts I’ve written over the years…
Welcome! You’re listening to Summit’s “And One More Thing” podcast, which we roll out periodically when there’s much more to a topic than what can fit into our typical Sunday morning services.
My name is _______ and on top of being the ________ here at Summit, I’ll also be playing host for our discussion this evening.
This particular edition of “And One More Thing” was made to compliment our God @ Work series running from Sunday, June 23rd through Sunday, June 30th. I’m especially excited about this one because we’ll get to hear from some prominent congregants here at Summit about topics related to faith and the workplace. These are people doing great work in our community and they have fantastic stories to tell. You really won’t want to miss it.
There were so many great ideas for this series that we’re actually doing a live Speaker Series in addition to this podcast, but for the three episodes you’ll hear on this platform, we’ll be covering Work-Life Balance, The Difference Between Work and Toil, and Morality in the Workplace.
Tonight, we’ll hear from _______, _______, as well as ________, but first things first, let’s go around and hear a little from each of you as far as your background with Summit and what you do for work.
Alright, well now that we all know each other, let’s jump into our topic for the evening, “Work-Life Balance.”
Question 1…